Jonathan Mills & Simon Denison-Smith

Metropolis are value investors who evaluate businesses with a private-equity mindset, investing as if they are buying the whole business with the aim of achieving above average returns. This means carefully analysing a business’ performance risk (how good their operational performance is) and valuation risk (whether they’re valued appropriately).
Jonathan Mills | Co-Founder & Portfolio Manager
Both Jonathan and Simon met whilst working as Strategy Consultants for Bain & Company. Jonathan has brought this same analytical mindset and proactive spirit with him to Metropolis – co-founding the firm with Simon, and co-managing its global equity strategy since its launch in 2008.
Simon Denison-Smith | Co-Founder & Portfolio Manager
Simon has been with Metropolis since its inception. But before this, he founded Rave Technologies, a software business servicing clients across a wide range of industries. He sold the business in 2006, delivering a 32% pa return to Rave’s principal investor.
Introducing Metropolis Capital Management
Stock Spotlight: Ashtead
Jonathan Mills talks about his conviction in the equipment rental firm, Ashtead, which supplies a wide range of plant and commercial equipment to companies in the UK, US and Canada.
The big question: Will higher-for-longer interest rates change stock picking?
With interest rates forecast to remain elevated for a prolonged period, we asked managers Sunil Thakor, Andy Headley and Jonathan Mills to discuss how this might impact businesses and whether this would change their approach to picking stocks.